Our designers at iNSPIRE Q work hard on creating photo content with the latest style trends in home décor. When shooting photographs of our home furnishing products we know what’s in, what’s dated, and what’s next. We want to share these 3 home design trends and also inspire you to not be afraid of trying a something new in your space!

Mixed Patterns
Clash alert! What you thought was all wrong about mixing patterns in the home decor rule book turns out to no longer be a rule! In recent years the mixing of patterns on bed spreads has been popular. It gives a room a bold statement. Many would think that mixing patterns is too busy, but mismatched patterns draw the eye in. It makes for an interesting statement piece in your space. Especially like our upholstered chevron pattered chair against a striped rug pictured below.

Whether it be velvet, faux fur, stone, brick, tile, or shiplap texture all around the home is the trend. Why, you might ask? The simple answer is, it takes any room from being flat and dull to dynamic. It's okay to mix and match textures. Don't be afraid to play around with different textures in your space, just don’t go too overboard. Think of it this way. Too many different textures in a space is busy and you don’t know where to look. A good rule of thumb is around two to three different textures in a space. Where you pull your texture from is up to you! It can be in a chair, bed frame, rug, or a wall like this.

Bold Wall Colors
Those wall colors you thought would be atrocious to ever paint even a spec on your dry wall turn out to be the new modern paint trend. It looks refreshing and bold on a wall. It brings your space to life. Just like an accent wall it doesn’t have to be every single wall that you splash a bright bold color to. It can simply just be one wall that you paint your bold wall color to. The wall looks great covered in wall décor because it contrasts the wall color well and makes it stand out more! The in-color right now is bright greens, especially Pantone’s “Greenery”. It is the color of the year.

For more home design trends and inspiration, visit our Pinterest board here, follow us on social media, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and read up on our latest posts!
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